Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Our VERY First (Not so "perfect") Christmas!

So this year was our very first Christmas together as a little family!
I was a little excited for it...ok I was way too excited for it.
Spencer and I went a little bit over board on presents for Grace
(considering she has NO idea what is going on)
Visions of the "perfect" Christmas danced in my head
Or was that Sugar plums?
What exactly are sugar plums by the way?
Are they just plums that are rolled in sugar or something?
Because if that's the case then I'M IN!
Ok where was I before the sugar plums happened?
Oh right! The "perfect" Christmas!
I had so many things planned.
We were going to start so many nice traditions.
We were going to watch Christmas movies all Christmas Eve,
Bake sugar cookies and decorate them,
sip hot Chocolate...
and we managed to do all that on Christmas Eve, it was wonderful.

Here's Spencer making icing for the cookies.

Gracie got into the icing!

Opening 1 gift before bed on Christmas Eve.

We all got some dang cute PJ's!

Ok So Christmas Eve was perfect,
and for Christmas day I wanted to:
Wake up, read the story of Christ's birth in the scriptures,
Be sooo happy,
Take cute family pictures,
Open presents (obviously)
Go see the lights on Temple Square,
all of this while listening to some Christmas Music.
Sounds nice eh?
Well this is what actually went down.
Grace didn't sleep AT ALL on Christmas Eve,
I don't know if she was excited or what,
but we were up like every hour with her.
Spencer and I were SO tired!
And not very joyful shall we say.
This is what our morning looked like.
Instead of Christmas music playing the whole time,
somehow Mythbusters got turned on
I'm not naming any names but it may rhyme with shmencer.

The scriptures didn't get read either, I'm pretty dang sad about that.
We didn't go see the lights either because we were all so tired from the night before.
Presents, of course, did get opened.
We all got so spoiled.
Grace liked the wrapping paper most of all!
I even got a nook colour! 
It's awesome!
The "cute" family pictures did get taken...
However, they didn't turn out quite the way I pictured them...

So maybe this first Christmas wasn't "perfect",
But there were some pretty perfect parts.
Like this:

and this:

And who's to say what "perfect" is?
Because in my eye's,

This is pretty darn perfect!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

1 Year Ago Today

On this day 1 year ago,
Spencer and I were getting ready for our first OB/GYN appointment.

On this day 1 year ago,
I was scared out of my mind!

On this day 1 year ago,
We were so excited to learn what we were in for, for 9 months

On this day 1 year ago,
I had to pee in a cup (haha)

On this Day 1 year ago,
I was getting poked and prodded

On this day 1 year ago,
I was 10 1/2 weeks pregnant

On this day 1 year ago,
We got our first glimpse of our little sea monkey

On this day 1 year ago,
I fell totally and completely in love with that little sea monkey

On this day 1 year ago,
Spencer and I were wondering "boy" or "girl"

On this day 1 year ago,
we finally broke the news to family, and friends

On this day 1 year ago,
We were dreaming about what he or she would look like

This day 1 year ago was one of the best days of my life!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

I'm sorry

Ok, ok so I didn't finish the 30 days. I was going to finish but I lost my motivation. I know, I know I only had like 6 days left but I just couldn't find the motivation to do them. Blah! There are a lot more things I am thankful for but some of them I just don't think the world needs to read about. It was a good thing to do this though. As I went through my days I was able to recognize better how blessed I truly am, how much I have been given and really how spoiled I am haha! Some of the rest of the things I am thankful for include-
-The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
(this is the church I was raised in and I know to be true)
(without them my Grandparents wouldn't have known about the church and therefore would not have joined and my life would be so different today)
(I get 2 every year! Seriously how lucky am I! I get to gain double the weight haha)
-The Fall
(love the fall! So beautiful and perfect temperature)
(I have a million blankets around the house, love them, so warm and comfy)
(a bunch of my friends have just had babies and they are so sweet and innocent...who doesn't love a cute tiny baby!)

So there it is, the short version of what I am thankful for. I had fun with this whole thing. I hope you did too. I hope whoever if reading this was able to see all the blessings in their daily life too. If not, then take a minute to look around and see everything that you have been given. We are all so blessed.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 24

I am thankful for Spencers Family-
Spencer has some wonderful family members, from his parents to his brothers and sisters to his aunts and uncles and cousins. They have done a lot of us over the years and been a support for us. I am thankful for them and all that they do.

Camie and Thom let Spencer and I live with them for a while when we were trying to figure out what to do and where to go. I am so thankful to them and their generosity to open their home to us and always make us feel welcome. Camie is my hair dresser and one of my best friends. She has been since Spencer and I first started talking. We have loads of fun together whenever she decides to get her butt down here to Utah! We have a joke that she is going to be mine and Spencers 3rd wheel when we go to heaven. I imagine it will look something like this...
"umm hey guys..."

We are lame and we love it!
Brad and Diane are Spencers parents. They have showed us love and support over the years. They are a good source of entertainment even when they don't know they are. I am thankful they raised such an amazing son. They taught him to be a wonderful husband and father. I am SO thankful that Diane taught him how to cook, otherwise we might be a little bit of trouble by now!

Brock and Sevena are Spencers Brother and sister in law. They have many talents I wish I had. Brock is a butcher and man are we glad to have him in the family! He certainly comes in handy. Sevena is really good at decorating cakes and sewing.

Ben is also Spencers brother. He just got home from a mission. He is a good example to us all. He is funny and nice. We all like to make him feel awkward (which is easy to do). Spencer loves spending time with him and talking about sports. I am glad that he has friends in all his siblings.