Saturday, December 4, 2010

I'm sorry

Ok, ok so I didn't finish the 30 days. I was going to finish but I lost my motivation. I know, I know I only had like 6 days left but I just couldn't find the motivation to do them. Blah! There are a lot more things I am thankful for but some of them I just don't think the world needs to read about. It was a good thing to do this though. As I went through my days I was able to recognize better how blessed I truly am, how much I have been given and really how spoiled I am haha! Some of the rest of the things I am thankful for include-
-The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
(this is the church I was raised in and I know to be true)
(without them my Grandparents wouldn't have known about the church and therefore would not have joined and my life would be so different today)
(I get 2 every year! Seriously how lucky am I! I get to gain double the weight haha)
-The Fall
(love the fall! So beautiful and perfect temperature)
(I have a million blankets around the house, love them, so warm and comfy)
(a bunch of my friends have just had babies and they are so sweet and innocent...who doesn't love a cute tiny baby!)

So there it is, the short version of what I am thankful for. I had fun with this whole thing. I hope you did too. I hope whoever if reading this was able to see all the blessings in their daily life too. If not, then take a minute to look around and see everything that you have been given. We are all so blessed.

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